Correção de email de reclamação

Marcelo Pias 1 2 14
Olá, fiz a compra dessa bicicleta, e estava até hoje esperando pela mesma, por demorar fui ao site onde constatei que meu pedido foi cancelado. Como assim cancelado??? Eu NÃO cancelei nada, o pagamento já havia sido aprovado, e cancelaram no dia 03/12/13, o que está acontecendo?


I bought that bycicle and I was waiting for its delivery until today. As it was taking so long to be delivered I went to your website and checked that it had been canceled. What the hell is that? I didn't do it, my payment was approved, even so, they canceled on 12/03/13, what's going on?

I'm really looking forward to your reply !

A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
2 respostas
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Bill Sikes 1 1 18
Olá, Marcelo! Fiz algumas alterações, à minha maneira, a fim de deixar o texto mais detalhado.

I bought that(this) bycicle (bicycle) (from your store) and I was waiting for its delivery until today (up to this day). As it was taking so long to be delivered I went (decided to go) to your website (to check my request status). I (simply) checked (found out) that it had been canceled. What the hell is that? I didn't do it, my payment was (already) approved (the last time I checked). But even so, my purchase was canceled on 12/03/13. What's going on?
Marcelo Pias 1 2 14
Thank you a lot ! :D