Correção de texto: Population, Riots and Protest

Hi again, this time I'm gonna write down my opinion of(on)(about) Brazil current situation regarding its population.
So, here i go:

Research, think, act ,change your country!

Brazil, a country in which politics already became a sign of corruption, so much as to make its own population not believe in their own representatives. Where have we put ouselves into? What kind of future are we going to face? How did we end up like this?
The population is tired of it, tired, but still in a vegetative state. People complain from their houses, confortably in front of their computers, not even interested in making their country better, complaining just for the sake of it. I don't necessarily suggest heading to the streets and protesting (though that would be good if done peacefully). I do suggest on using the best way there is to solve this country's problems, using the most powerful weapon the population has.... their votes.
That is the only thing politicians are afraid of, not getting elected. I'm not here to suggest a candidate or anything of the sort, instead I'm here to ask the population to vote consciously, to research, not just to be carried away just by false promises, or vote just to get rid of the obligation (of doing so). If you do so, we will never leave this vegetative, aweful, state of numbness and stagnation.
The politicians won't give you education or enough information for you to know enough since they are not even interested in doing that.For them it's better to have stupid "voters"(sound aweful, want a better suggestion) than smart ones, so they can get easily elected. Research, think and act ,change your country!
Do you job as a brazilian, show "Brasília"(should I translate it to "Brazilia"?) we are the ones that actually rule this country!

O professor das celebridades Daniel Bonatti ensina várias técnicas para você ter conversas melhores mesmo com conhecimentos básicos de inglês. Com as power questions você vai aprender a direcionar a conversa para onde quiser e com isso alcançar seus objetivos na comunicação. ACESSAR AULA
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Luis, I think your text is good as it is, but Gian suggested some good changes too. I suggest just some minor changes:

Research, think, act ,change your country!

Brazil, a country in which politics *already became a sign of corruption, so much as to make its own population not believe in their own representatives. What have we put ouselves into? What kind of future are we going to face? How did we end up like this?
The population is tired of it, tired, but still in a vegetative state. People complain from their houses, confortably in front of their computers, not even interested in making their country better, complaining just for the sake of it. I don't necessarily suggest heading to the streets and protesting (though that would be good if done peacefully). I do suggest on using the best way there is to solve this country's problems, using the most powerful weapon the population has.... their votes.
That is the only thing politicians are afraid of, not getting elected. I'm not here to suggest a candidate or anything of the sort, instead I'm here to ask the population to vote consciously, to research, not just to be carried away just by false promises, or vote just to get rid of the obligation (of doing so). If you do so, we will never leave this vegetative, awful, state of numbness and stagnation.
The politicians won't give you education or enough information for you to know enough, since they are not even interested in doing that. For them, it's better to have naive voters than smart ones, so they can get easily elected. Research, think and act ,change your country!
Do your job as a Brazilian, show Brasília(should I translate it to "Brazilia"?) we are the ones that actually rule this country!

*Already can be used with the simple past tense.

Accountability, naive voters, responsability, wider education, spread the wealth and power. These are words that can be used to enhance your text.
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
1 7 52
Good job bro, aqui vai minha sugestão :)

Brazil, a country in which politics has already become a sign of corruption, so much as to make its own population not believe in their own representatives. What position have we put ourselves in? what will the future hold for us? How did we end up like this?
The population is tired of it, ( The population have had enough of it ) tired, but still in a vegetative state. People complain from their houses, comfortably in front of their computers, not even interested in making their country better, (not even moving a finger to make their country a better place) complaining just for the sake of it. I don't necessarily suggest heading to the streets and protesting (though that would be good if done peacefully), what I do suggest is that we make use of the greatest weapon we have to solve this country's problems, our votes.
That is the only thing politicians are afraid of, not getting elected. I'm not here to suggest a candidate or anything of the sort, instead I'm here to ask the population to vote consciously, to research, not just to be carried away by false promises, or vote just to get rid of your obligation. If you do so, we will never leave this vegetative, aweful, state of numbness and stagnation.
Politicians won't educate you or inform you on any matter since it doesn't suit their interests. For them it's better to have stupid "voters"(Voters works just fine, ) rather than smart ones, so they can easily get elected. Research, think and act ,change your country!
Do you job as a brazilian, show "Brasília"(I believe Brasilia is correct) we are the ones that actually rule this country!
Obrigado pela correção Gian.
Gostei da sugestão do "in what position", mas prefiro o "what kind of future are we going to face" pq passa mais uma sensação de enfretar algo ruim, "what will the future hold for us" não passa uma impressao de futuro dificil e sim somente de duvida.
O mesmo em relação a "the population have had enough of it", vou manter o meu pq a situação de contraposição de ideias utilizando a virgula e repeticao do adjetivo me parece mais forte.
O "not even moving a finger" ficou bem melhor msm, gostei do dramatismo/revolta.
Prefiro o the obligation, fica mais explicito que sou contra o voto obrigatorio.
O "educate you or informe you" ficou melhor tb, mais fluido, e tinha esquecido da expressão "suit their interest", fica bem melhor.
Vou prestar mais atencao nos tempos verbais, dei mole no already sem Present perfect.
Dei mole brabo tambem na ordem adverbio verbo.(easily get).
Obrigado pela correção!!
p.s me desculpe pelo erros de pt aqui to quase sem metade do teclado funcionando.