O "I" em inglês em maiúsculo

Jerry Dorien 4 48
Hi pessoal,

Eu tive uma curiosidade e gostaria de compartilha-la:

O "I" em inglês só é escrito em maiúsculo, para evitar confusão, devido seu tamanho muito pequeno, e também porque é um dos pronomes mais usados nesse idioma, e quase sempre no inicio das frases.


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4 respostas
Henry Cunha 3 18 191
Poetic licence aside:

a total stranger one black day...

a total stranger one black day
knocked living the hell out of me--

who found forgiveness hard because
my(as it happened)self he was

-but now that fiend and i are such
immortal friends the other's each

Donay Mendonça 24 131 1.7k
Olá Pessoal,

Olha só o que o MacDonald´s fez,vi ontem durante o jogo da seleção na África do Sul:

i´m lovin' it

Leiam mais:

i'm lovin' it is an international branding campaign by McDonald's Corporation. It was created by Heye & Partner, a longtime McDonald's agency based in Unterhaching, Germany, near Munich, and a member of the DDB Worldwide Communications Group, Inc. It was the company's first global advertising campaign and was launched in Munich, Germany on September 2, 2003, under the German title ich liebe es. The English part of the campaign was launched on September 29, 2003 with the music of Tom Batoy and Franco Tortora (Mona Davis Music) and vocals by Justin Timberlake, in which the slogan appears.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Mc ... nd_slogans
Henry Cunha 3 18 191
And of course it´s standard in English (is English capitalized? -- I can´t remember...) to refer to God as He or Him (even His) -- a canon that´s being contested more and more by all kinds of people -- atheists, agnostics, feminists. Personally i think we shoulod go for the deferential small "i" and capitalize the reverential "You" in both singular and plural, don´t you think?
Henry Cunha escreveu:(is English capitalized? -- I can´t remember...)
Yeap, language names always capitalized.

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA