Can x Could: Qual a diferença?

Can anybody helps me with the following question?

"Decide if the sentence bellow is right or not. If not, rewrite it:
The weather is nice now, but it can change later"

I answered that's ok, but the right answer was:

"The weather is nice now, but it could change later".

I'd like to know why?

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1 resposta
Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 29 460

The modal can is referring to the ability of the weather changing.

According to the context, we are talking about an uncertain possibility. In these situations, we must use the modal verb could, which is the correct answer.

The weather is nice now, but it could change later.
>> O tempo está agradável agora, mas poderá mudar mais tarde.
>> O clima está bom agora, mas pode mudar mais tarde.

I hope it helps! :)
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