Como dizer "dar seta (em carro, ao dirigir)" em inglês

Como eu digo 'dar a seta' em Inglês, quando estou mudando de faixa em uma estrada ou avenida?

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6 49 1.3k
To signal a left/right turn would do the trick.

You do that to indicate/communicate your intention to change lanes (in a roadway, for instance.) or make a turn (a pedestrian would know if you are turning left or right, for example.)

Ref. wikihow

Use your turn signal a few seconds ahead of the turn you want to make
Lembre-se de dar seta uns poucos segundos antes do local a fazer uma conversão/entrada de uma rua etc. (ou da mudança de faixa, em rodovias, freeways etc)

TROCANDO EM MIÚDOS, não dar seta em cima da hora e deixar o motorista de trás numa roubada!
Preparamos um plano de estudos para ajudar você a dominar centenas de palavras e expressões do inglês em tempo recorde. EXPERIMENTE AGORA
Hi there!

Dar a seta = To signal

Dar a seta para a esquerda/direita = To signal left/right.

I hope this helps.
Eu poderia usar 'indicate'?
Set Blinker Left? Set Blinker Right? é certo dizer isso?
6 49 1.3k
Put on the right/left blinker (usually with "your/of the car") would be more the case (and then you would switch to the right/left lane or go to the side of the road/coast to the shoulder etc.
Set, to my thinking, could lead many to think of "adjusting" and it´s about signaling/indicating which side you want to turn, well before you do it. Or at least should be, many drivers think that you turn first then signal/warns!
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6 49 1.3k
Suely, "indicate" in the context here would be the act of hinting, letting the other driver(s) know where are you going to or where you intend to go/turn.
So, it's not the most usual way to express that, although you could be understood by us.

Ref. midrive
Whether you call it signalling, using the indicators, turning on the blinkers, or something else, letting other road users know what you’re doing is more than just a matter of good manners; it’s an essential part of road safety.