Correção de texto: TOEFL Independent writing.

Olá pessoal! Mais uma vez eu peco a ajuda de vocês! Será que vocês poderiam avaliar este texto que eu escrevi? É para a segunda pergunta to writing do toefl. Eu coloquei a pergunta antes do texto, assim você podem entender o que o exercício pede. Obrigada!

Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a number of times throughout their lives, looking for a better job, house, community, or even climate. Which do you prefer: staying in one place or moving in search of another place? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.

Deciding whether you should spend your entire life in one place or move a number of times can be a very complicated and difficult choice to make. You should consider a lot of things before making a decision. I have always been a gipsy and I have always loved to visit new places and discover new cultures, therefore I prefer to move a number of times throughout my life.

First of all, I think it's important to consider that when you move you can and probably will meet fantastic people. It doesn’t matter where you go you, will always meet people and depending where you go you will meet people from other cultures with different beliefs and habits. By way of example, I can recall when I moved to France I met a lot of different people; people with different religions and customs from mine. By meeting such different and interesting people I have learned how to accept and respect other cultures.

Hence, in addition to the importance of meeting people, I believe moving is always fun. Of course some people may think moving can be highly stressful and tedious, I however think it's fair to say that most times are fun and interesting. Without a question moving to different places is an adventure and like in most adventures it's always exciting. I can recall, when I helped a friend move in to central London, him and I did not know a thing about central London, much less about the place he was about to move in, even though we had no idea of what we were doing nor where we were, we had a blast.

Finally, moving to different places is always a valid experience. Not only you learn about new places and new cultures but you also start to learn more about yourself. When you move and you start living with people with different beliefs from yours and people who values things you don’t, you start questioning yourself of what you truly believe therefore you start to create new concepts and ideas and perhaps a different personality with new beliefs.

By way of conclusion, based on the arguments explores above, I strongly prefer to move to different places. However, many people believe that in order to have a balanced life and have a stabilized family you must live in only one place. Despite these claims, I still believe that moving is essential in one's life, no matter for how long or where a person decides to stay just, just the fact the person is moving and leaving their comfort zone behind is an extremely valid experience in one's life.

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
2 respostas
PPAULO 6 51 1.3k
 Without a question moving to different places is an adventure and like in most adventures it's always exciting.

 Moving to different places it´s an adventure, and like in most adventures, without a question, it's always exciting.

He and I did not know a thing about central London.
(he didn´t no know a thing. - and – I did not know a thing about central London. You don´t say “him didn´t know a thing...)

----Just for variety´s sake----
Finally, moving to different places is always a valid experience.
Finally, having different adresses is always a valid experience.
Finally, being a bit nomadic is always a valid experience.
Finally, a nomadic life style is always a valid experience.
Finally, a scenery change from time to time is always a valid experience.
Changing geographic locations is always a valid experience.
Living in different places is always a valid experience.

By way of conclusion,...(it´s an expression very often used, and it may sound a bit stilted, I would rather use something like the following ones...):
I would rather change this
In conclusion,...
In short,...
Summing up,...
PPAULO 6 51 1.3k
just the fact that of someone be leaving their comfort zone behind is an extremely step in his life.
(not to be repeating "moving" and "valid" here, not that you shouldn´t, but just leave your text a bit more neatly worded/more smooth.)
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