Expressões e Collocations com a palavra Talk – Parte II

Last week I wrote about the word talk. Here are some more collocations that I hope you may like.COMMON EXPRESSIONS

There is small talk, the mundane chit chat that people engage in at cocktail parties to break the ice. Topics for small talk include the weather, sports, hobbies, and news events of general interest.

TESTE DE VOCABULÁRIO Faça um teste e descubra como está seus conhecimentos de vocabulário de inglês em 5 minutos! Este teste foi desenvolvido por professores experientes. O resultado sai na hora e com gabarito. INICIAR TESTE

Small talk is to be differentiated from shop talk, discussing your work with friends outside of work hours.

The infamous pillow talk, intimate talk between the sheets (among lovers) is the stuff espionage movies are made of, and it received national attention when it was feared that the presidential pillow talk would create national security leaks (breaches).

The coach of a sports team gives his squad a pep talk to motivate them. Parents and teachers often give pep talks to their charges to lift their spirits when they are down and they need some extra encouragement.


If you have the talk, as opposed to have a talk (conversation) you are sitting your son or daughter down to explain the facts of life (the birds and the bees, human reproduction and gender specific attitudes regarding sexuality). (Remember that to give a talk means to present an academic lecture, dar uma palestra).

That’s it for now.

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ttyl (= talk to you later)

Beijinhos falantes,

Mary Ziller – USA

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Mary Ziller

I'm Mary Ziller. I tutor ESL at the IHM Lteracy Center in Philadelphia. I lived a year in Brazil where I became certified to teach English as a Foreign language.

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