Como dizer "Obra [do destino, do acaso]" em inglês

  Verificado por especialistas
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Português: obra do destino, obra do acaso
Inglês: twist of fate

''Estamos aqui por obra do acaso?''

  1. Together By a Twist Of Fate.
  2. By a twist of fate, he found his passion early.
  3. By an amazing twist of fate, we met again in Madrid five years later.
  4. By a strange twist of fate Smith's first match is against the team that gave him the sack last season.
  5. Paul Biggs, Staffordshire representative of the Association of British Drivers, said it was a "twist of fate."He said: "It's extremely unfortunate that this has happened because the young lad would not have been there if the closure had been in place."It's a twist of fate really, and it's not something the Highways Agency can control.
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