Quando utilizar "Instead"?
Gostaria de saber como utilizar essa palavra, pois muitas vezes ela me parece de uma maneira estranha(pelo menos ao traduzir ao pé da letra) como por exemplo:
- Skip the kiss and bow or shake hands instead when visiting japan.
Então, alguém poderia explicar, por favor!
- Skip the kiss and bow or shake hands instead when visiting japan.
Então, alguém poderia explicar, por favor!
4 respostas
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"Instead" is used when someone is presented other options to choose from. In your example, the person is offered the options to bow or shake hands because kissing is not appropriate when meeting someone new in Japan.
A common expression is "instead of", as in "Do X instead of Y". Your sentence could have been written as "Bow or shake hands instead of kissing when visiting Japan". The author preferred to write "Don't do X and do Y instead".
A common expression is "instead of", as in "Do X instead of Y". Your sentence could have been written as "Bow or shake hands instead of kissing when visiting Japan". The author preferred to write "Don't do X and do Y instead".
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Vamos combinar que a frase, do jeito que está escrita, está complicando um pouco a compreensão. Acho que ficaria melhor entendido se a frase estivesse escrita assim:
When visiting Japan, skip the kiss and instead of it, bow or shake hands.
Ao visitar o Japão, evite o beijo, e ao invés disso, curve-se cordialmente ou estenda a mão para um cumprimento(aperto de mãos).
Best Regards.
Vamos combinar que a frase, do jeito que está escrita, está complicando um pouco a compreensão. Acho que ficaria melhor entendido se a frase estivesse escrita assim:
When visiting Japan, skip the kiss and instead of it, bow or shake hands.
Ao visitar o Japão, evite o beijo, e ao invés disso, curve-se cordialmente ou estenda a mão para um cumprimento(aperto de mãos).
Best Regards.
I personally would have changed the sentence around and written "When visiting Japan, skip the kiss and bow or shake hands instead."
It's not a mistake to use "instead" without "of". It then becomes an adverb instead of a preposition. It's used at the end of a sentence or clause to refer to a noun, adjective, or adverb that has already been mentioned. A few examples:
- She didn’t marry Peter. She married John instead.
- We talked about going to Greece for our honeymoon but we ended up going to Italy instead.
It's not a mistake to use "instead" without "of". It then becomes an adverb instead of a preposition. It's used at the end of a sentence or clause to refer to a noun, adjective, or adverb that has already been mentioned. A few examples:
- She didn’t marry Peter. She married John instead.
- We talked about going to Greece for our honeymoon but we ended up going to Italy instead.