Folk seminar - Tradução em português

We're teaching at a folk seminar in Rio de Janeiro.

O professor das celebridades Daniel Bonatti ensina várias técnicas para você ter conversas melhores mesmo com conhecimentos básicos de inglês. Com as power questions você vai aprender a direcionar a conversa para onde quiser e com isso alcançar seus objetivos na comunicação. ACESSAR AULA
4 respostas
PPAULO 6 51 1.3k
Folk, in a sense, means "something coming from the people, from a particular group, from the ordinary public/empirical/experiential/theoretical'' or "coming from one´s ancestors or is tradition of a region " etc.

As opposed to comercial/refined/polished/sophisticated/superior/cultured/aristocratic/methodical/deductive/artificial.

Cambridge definitions -
folk /fəʊk/ /foʊk/ adjective [ before noun ]
1. traditional to or typical of a particular group or country, especially one where people mainly live in the countryside, and usually passed on from parents to their children over a long period of time
folk culture

2. describes art that expresses something about the lives and feelings of ordinary people in a particular group or country, especially those living in the countryside
folk art
folk dancing

folk /fəʊk/ /foʊk/ noun MUSIC

3. [ U ] modern music and songs that are written in a style similar to that of traditional music
I enjoy listening to folk (music/songs) .
folk singers
a folk club/festival

Now, without context I would say it can be "seminário de musica folclórica/dança folclórica/folclore em geral [músicas/lendas/mitos/histórias/festas/tradições e manifestações populares, todos ou algum tipo desses em particular.]
Estamos ensinando em um seminário de tribos no RJ.
Folk pode significar tribos, povo, nação, etc.
Thanks :D
PPAULO 6 51 1.3k
Yes, it can have that meaning as well. Yet, sans context...Well, it´s a bit of an exercising our guessing skills. As you see, I am not very good at guessing, he he.

Thanks Iza for clarifying this.
4. kinfolk, kin, relations, people; clan, tribe.
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA