Go Commando / Steal Someone’s Thunder: Inglês em Filmes

Hi guys, how have you been? I know I’ve been off for a while… So, I thought today we should learn 2 phrases to make it up and I picked up “Friends” again, because it’s what I consider a “classic” TV series, and I’m sure most of you have enjoyed their episodes. So, let’s cut the chase.

Go Commando

On the second episode of the third season (The One Where No One’s Ready), Chandler hides Joey’s underwear. So, Joey decides to wear ALL of Chandler’s clothes instead. And to bother him, he explains he is “going commando”. To go commando is a humorous American slang for “wear no underpants”. According to Wikipedia, , this phenomenon is also referred to as “going Indian”, “freeballing” (in the case of men not wearing underwear), and “freebuffing” (in the case of women).

MELHORE SUA PRONÚNCIA EM INGLÊS Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA

Steal Someone’s Thunder

On the third episode of the fifth season (The One Hundredth also known as The One With the Triplets), Phoebe is in the hospital, about to deliver her brother’s triplets, whom she is carrying as a surrogate mom. Suddenly, Joey doubles over in pain. Phoebe thought at first that it was nice that Joey had “sympathy pains”, but then she became upset because he was trying to “steal her thunder”. In this case, to “steal someone’s thunder” means to do something that takes attention away from what someone else has done. Depending on the context, this phrase can also mean that someone is taking the credit and praise for something you did or winning praise for themselves by preempting your attempt to impress.

Take care,

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Karin Sequen

Karin é Guatemalteca e trabalha como analista de sistemas em seu país. Participa de diversos grupos no Yahoo onde discute sobre o idioma inglês.

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