Hi friends! I hope you are doing great. Well, it’s time to continue learning vocabulary from movies. Isn’t this a great way to learn? This week, we’ll take a look at Disney’s High School Musical.
During New Year’s Eve vacation, Troy (captain of the basketball team) and Gabriella (a shy transfer student who excels in math and science) discover their love for singing. After vacations they decide to audition for the upcoming high school musical. However, their friends discourage them from moving forward with their plans by singing, “Stick to the status quo”. So now, what’s the “status quo”?
Status quo is a Latin term meaning the present, current, existing state of affairs. To maintain the status quo is to keep the things the way they presently are. Note that the phrase is usually preceded by the definite article “the”.
In other words, Gabriella and Troy’s friends are telling them they should continue being the smart student and the basketball player, instead of trying to be singers.
This phrase was also used in the movie “National Treasure”. Patrick says: “The status quo has changed, son.” And also “Look, cooperation only lasts as long as the status quo remains unchanged.”
Karin from Guatemala
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