Learning series: Remain teachable – Part 1

Learning series: Remain teachable – Part 1

When people ask why they should continue studying if they already have “good English” or why the English course they are doing seems to be so ineffective, my answer usually depends on who is asking.

Some people do not really want an answer; they just want to ask. Maybe they already know the answer and just do not understand it. Others like to ask questions but seem to remain deaf to the answer.

CENTENAS DE EXPRESSÕES DO INGLÊS Preparamos um plano de estudos para ajudar você a dominar centenas de palavras e expressões do inglês em tempo recorde. EXPERIMENTE GRÁTIS!

Paying attention to the answers is crucial. Someone said that nothing can be taught to those who are determined not to learn and I believe this is very true. Many teachers and methods around the world are being savaged and blamed for the bad performance of students and users. The old blame game.

If you are in the business of studying/learning/practicing a second language, it is not enough to have the tools, you need to sharpen them. Let’s face it – we can be exposed to teaching, but we have to make decisions on how to learn and if we want to learn.

Some people do not progress because they either think they are already very good or that the methods they use will do the job for them. The former is more difficult to treat; it takes a lot of hard experiences to overcome pride and self-sufficiency. The latter is easier, I suppose, as we are talking here more about the lazy bones who want things done for them rather than labouring themselves.

Are You Teachable

In both cases, however, to remain teachable is the answer. Otherwise you lose the amazement, the enjoyment. You think you cannot be taught; that you have it all. When you make the effort and remain consistent, then, and only then, you have literally learned your lesson.

If you think you are already very good and you clearly are not, then you are deceiving yourself and tiring people around you. You run the risk of being arrogant, indifferent or insensitive to the others’ pace or their learning styles. Besides that, if someone wants to be really good at whatever they do, they should never stop learning. To be good goes beyond having some knowledge – to be open to accept, add, change and replace is what defines a good learner.

ATIVE O ENGLISH PLUS Além de aprender sem anúncios, você terá acesso: aos Cursos do English Experts, a respostas verificadas por especialistas (ilimitado) e ao aplicativo Meu Vocabulário. ATUALIZAR AGORA

So today check your attitude – are you pretending you have it all or are you helping yourself and others to achieve their dreams because of your enthusiasm and humble approach to learning? To make the difference, the good ones have to remain humble and help others to remain teachable.

Choose to remain teachable!

~ Erica De Monaco Lowry ~

Next: Partner with the encouragers

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Erica De Monaco Lowry

Erica De Monaco Lowry has been living in Ireland since 2008. She is a teacher, an interpreter, a translator, a tour guide and an insatiable learner. Her favorite pastimes include reading, travelling, socialising and catching up with her family.

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