Caros leitores! O convidado de hoje do EE é Walter Estella, ele é dos intérpretes de conferência mais respeitados do Brasil. Acompanho o trabalho do Walter desde 2008, quando tive a oportunidade de desenvolver o seu site.
Com mais de 15 anos de experiência como intérprete ele tem em seu currículo trabalhos de tradução simultânea ou consecutiva em eventos de lançamento de vários filmes, entre diversos outros trabalhos.
Seguem abaixo algumas informações interessantes contidas no podcast:
- Eu comecei a estudar inglês com 12 anos de idade, na época eu costumava estudar 2 horas por dia.
- Quando eu tinha 21 anos eu descobri que um amigo de escola havia mudado para Londres e eu o enviei uma carta e eu decidi me mudar para Londres também.
- Trabalhei por um tempo como garçom o que foi interessante pois tive a oportunidade de conversar com as pessoas. Eu me esforcei para aprender a pronúncia correta das palavras.
- De volta ao Brasil eu estudei na USP, lá eu fiz os cursos de Inglês e Francês. Depois fui professor, o que exigiu que eu aperfeiçoasse ainda mais a minha pronúncia.
Ouça o áudio completo:
Transcrição do Podcast
I started studying English when I was 12 years old. At the time, I borrowed a set of long plays from a local priest where I lived, and used to study for about 2 hours a day – I didn’t have much to do at the time, obviously, I was only going to school.
There was no school to study English in the town where I lived, it was a tiny place. So I spent some years, I would say three or four, trying to study, just repeting what the long play contained – which was very limited, I think it was a set of 10 or 12 long plays.
Finally, when I was 21, I found out a school friend had moved to London. So I contacted him by letter – there was no e-mail at the time, obviously -, and I decided to go to London. I sold everything I had, which was very little, just my clothes and shoes, and got enough money to buy the ticket.
I got to London, no money in the pocket, same day started looking for a job. I got two jobs, actually: one at a coffee shop, mopping the floor, dishwashing and like, and that was from 12 to 6 pm. And after that, I got another job at Pizza Hut, from 6:30 pm to, like, 1:30 am. That was a job as a waiter, which was very interesting, because it gave me more chance to talk to people, and I did my best! I picked up their pronounciation. And a year after I came to Brazil. I decided to go to college, I studied at USP and I took English and French there.
When I started my classes I realized the accent I had picked up which was a working class accent in London, was not appropriate to work as an English teacher. I used to say things like, “what a […] mate, no? Alright, then”. That sort of accents.
And fortunately, at university, I had a course on fonetics that lasted a year, and I had this wonderful professor, her name was Amparo – unfortunately, she passed away already. And she helped me drop the accent and try to develop one. Some people are so focused on speaking like a native, I don’t really think it’s necessary, we’re not natives anyway.
But since I wanted to be an English teacher I wanted to pronounce things correctly and that course helped me tremendously. Actually, I think it was the best course at the university.
After that, I got a job as a teacher. I taught for about five or seven years, I can’t remember very well. And then I found out that was this Simultaneous Interpretation Course at Associação Alumni. I took that course, and it lasted two years and I did very well. I finished the course back in 1995, if I’m not mistaken. Yes, it’s been fifteen years!
So, since then, I’ve been an interpreter. I have worked in countless areas, which gives me the opportunity to being in touch with a whole variety of subjects. And to me, that’s really a privilege. That’s basically it.
Walter, muito obrigado por compartilhar conosco a sua experiência.
Fotos de Walter Estella
Entrevista com o Ator Hugh Jackman no Lançamento do Filme “X-Men Origens: Wolverine” (Fonte: Walter Estella)
Entrevista com James Cameron, Sigourney Weaver e Joel David Moore no Lançamento de “Avatar” (Fonte: Walter Estella)
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