Entrevista de Emprego em Inglês

Entrevista de Emprego em Inglês

Hi everyone! Começo hoje uma série com o objetivo de ajudar aqueles profissionais que estão em processo de recolocação profissional. Trata-se de um simulado de Entrevista de Emprego (job interview), cedido gentilmente por João Bovolini, leitor e colaborador do English Experts. Agradeço também ao Adam (native English speaker) pela revisão da entrevista.

Cf. Curso de Business English

TESTE DE NÍVEL Faça um teste de inglês e descubra seu nível em 10 minutos! Este teste foi desenvolvido por professores experientes. O resultado sai na hora e com gabarito. INICIAR TESTE

Informações Pessoais

Esta é geralmente a parte inicial da entrevista, quando o entrevistador (interviewer) faz perguntas sobre a vida do candidato (applicant) ao cargo. Confira:

Hi, how are you? Ready for the interview?
Tell me about you. How old are you?
I’m 45 years old.

Where do you live?
988 João Alves Avenue, North zone, Vila Pires – São Paulo

When were you born?
I was born on June 2nd, 1962.

How many children do you have?
I have one daughter.

How old is she?
She is twelve years old.

APRESENTAÇÃO PESSOAL EM INGLÊS Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA

Are you married?
Yes, I am.

How long have you been married?
I’ve been married for 19 years.

What’s your wife’s name?
My wife’s name is de Carla Bovolini.

How old is she?
She is thirty-eight years old.

What’s her job?
She is a Portuguese Teacher.


How is your personality? What are your qualities?

  • I am a calm, friendly, dedicated, disciplined, polite and responsible person.
  • I am not an aggressive leader; I treat my co-workers with respect. I don’t shout at my subordinates I have patience with them.
  • I am a creative person.
  • I have creativity in problem solving.
  • I am an organized person!

And what are your faults?

AMPLIANDO O VOCABULÁRIO Isa Mara Lando é uma referência entre os profissionais de tradução. Ela já traduziu mais de 100 livros, entre eles estão obras de autores aclamados, como: George Orwell, Salman Rushdie e Walter Isaacson (a biografia de Einstein). Nesta aula gratuita, Isa dá várias dicas de vocabulário. ACESSAR AULA

I am a little anxious sometimes.


What did you major in?
I graduated in Philosophy.

Which college did you graduate from?
I studied at the FTU Triweender Universal College in São Paulo.

What year did you graduate in?
I graduated in 1993.

What courses did you take in the Security area?
I took classes in security job at Colégio de Pinheiros and I took a lot of industrial security courses during my career – since 1994.

Did you take any language courses? Tell me about them…
I took classes in Spanish and English and my level in English is intermediate and in Spanish is fluent.

Where do you learn languages?
I am taking English classes with a private teacher.
I took Spanish classes with a private teacher too.

Experiência Profissional

How come you work in security?
My father was an officer in the Portuguese army so I followed him.

Tell me about your professional experience… where you worked, what was your experience in this area…
1. I got my first job when I was 18 years old as an Air Force soldier. I stayed there for one year.
2. Then I worked for an Accounting office for two years as an Assistant.
3. After that I worked for the Military Police as a Second Sergeant. I decided to leave there because the salary was too low.
4. For 3 years I worked as a pet shop owner. I had financial difficulties and I decided to sell it and to work in a bank.
5. After that I worked for a bank as Security Inspector. I stayed there for 6 months. I decided to leave there because the salary was too low.
6. Then I worked for a shopping mall as a Security Supervisor. I stayed there for three years. I was fired without just cause.
7. After that I worked for a hospital as a Security Supervisor. I stayed there for 8 months. I was laid off because the management changed.
8. Then I worked in auto sales. I stayed there for 3 years. I was laid off. I think that company had financial difficulties.
9. After that I worked in the Cumbica International Airport as a Security Coordinator. I stayed there for 2 years. I was laid off because management changed.
10. Then I worked for a auto parts manufacturer. They make auto parts, I worked as a Security Coordinator. I decided to quit because it wasn’t possible to advance my career there.
11. After that, I worked in my last company, Saint Gobain as a Security Coordinator. They make dishes, glasses, and cups. I was laid off because I think the company had financial difficulties.

Trajeto para o Trabalho

How will you come to work?
I will come to work by car and sometimes by subway or bus.

How long will it take you to get here?
From Vila Pires to Morumbi, it will take me fifty minutes by car, or one hour and thirty minutes by subway and by bus.

Where will you come from to get here?
I will come here from Vila Pires.
I wish to live near my next job, so I am planning to move because the traffic is terrible in São Paulo.

Planos para o Futuro

Tell me about your future. Do you intend to take courses?
Yes, I do.

What courses do you intend to do?
I intend to take security courses and English courses.

Because I want to take a lot of industrial security courses once a month.
I think if I work in this company, in one year from now I will speak English fluently.

Ambiente de Trabalho

Talk about your experience in this area.
Well, I know about security service, security technology, security guard training, industry risk management, electronic security etc.

Describe what you feel to be an ideal working environment.
I think that it must have respect between co-workers and a lot of dedication for the work.

How come you want to work for us? Why do you want to work for us?
I’d be happy to work in this company because it is an excellent company in the education area.
And I like to work with teenagers. It’s very exciting to be able to work in a school.

Why should our company hire you?
Because I have a lot of experience in the industrial security area, and I know how to work with teenagers.
I really like working with teenagers and children.
I like teamwork.
I like taking the initiative to solve problems.

Why should we hire you?
I want to develop my career in this company. I like working in education because it is very interesting.

Gostos e Hobbies

What do you like to do on weekends?
Well, I like to surf the internet, read newspapers, walk with my family in the shopping mall, at the park etc.
– I like to read magazines about health.
– I can play the piano and guitar.

Have you ever seen the movie Dead Poets Society?
No, I haven’t.

What kind of food do you like?
I like Italian food. I like pizza very much.


Is there anything that you want to add?
What should I add?

You should add something when you want to add something about for you.
For example, if the person who is interviewing you didn’t question you about your personality, you can say:

So, I want to add that I am a friendly and polite person.

Ok then, thanks for your interview. We will decide and then we will contact you.
Ok! Thank you.

Como se sair bem na Entrevista

No vídeo abaixo o professor Steve ressalta que o “interviewee”, ou seja, a pessoa entrevistada, deve tomar cuidado para não tentar usar palavras muito rebuscadas, que, na hora do stress, podem ser mal colocadas ou mesmo parecer sem sentido, comprometendo assim o desempenho do entrevistado.

Ainda sobre esse mesmo foco, Steve ressalta no vídeo a importância de se redobrar a atenção sobre o perigo do uso de falsos cognatos, ou seja: palavras que, apesar de muito similares, têm significados bem diferentes em nosso idioma e no Inglês. Na hora do stress e do nervosismo, o entrevistado pode cometer erros que, em situação normal, ele não cometeria.

107 Perguntas em Inglês para Entrevistas de Seleção

Para quem deseja se aprofundar no tema indico o um livro que poderá te ajudar muito: 107 Perguntas em Inglês para Entrevistas de Seleção de Roberto Figueiredo Costa. Com certeza já está na minha lista de livros a comprar. Leia abaixo uma breve apresentação:

Foi a crescente demanda de vagas com a obrigatoriedade de conhecimento da língua inglesa que levou o autor a relacionar as perguntas mais comuns durante uma entrevista e agrupá-las neste livro. Para cada pergunta, o autor oferece três sugestões de respostas que necessitarão ser adaptadas à realidade e ao ideário de cada profissional.

I hope that helps!

Ainda precisa de ajuda?

Configura algumas opções:

  1. Envie sua questão em nossa comunidade;
  2. Assine o English Plus e tenha acesso ilimitado a respostas verificadas por especialistas.

Alessandro Brandão

Alessandro é fundador do English Experts e do Fórum de idiomas. Trabalha também em projetos na área de Ensino a Distância (EaD).

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