Reporting a Medical Emergency (911)

If you had a medical emergency in an English speaking country would you know what to say? In the US there is a number for reporting emergencies. It is called 911. You can read more about 911 here.

Telephone conversation – In English:

911: Police.
ME: I want to report an emergency.
911: Yes?
ME: I think I am having a heart attack.
911:What’s your name?
ME: Mary Ziller.
911: And the address?
ME: 527 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
911: Telephone number?
ME: 215-432-6781
911:All right. We`ll be there right away.

Conversa telefônica – Em Português:

911: Polícia.
ME: Eu quero comunicar uma emergência.
911: Sim. Pois não. Prossiga.
ME: Eu acho que estou tendo um ataque do coração.
911: Qual o seu nome?
ME: Mary Ziller
911: E o seu endereço?
ME: 527 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
911: (Qual o) número de telefone?
ME: 215-432-6781
911: Tudo bem, nós estaremos aí imediatamente, o mais rápido possível.

I hope this has been helpful.

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Mary Ziller

I'm Mary Ziller. I tutor ESL at the IHM Lteracy Center in Philadelphia. I lived a year in Brazil where I became certified to teach English as a Foreign language.

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