O professor Mike do Real English enviou mais uma dica, na verdade é um desafio. Você encara? As 4 pessoas abaixo têm o mesmo sobrenome. (These 4 people have the same last name.) Por que?
Para descobrir o segredo, assista ao vídeo abaixo sem legendas (watch the video without subtitles):
Agora assista ao vídeo com legendas (watch the video with subtitles):
Tip: It’s always a good idea to listen without reading the first time, so go back to the version without subtitles before watching this version! Your pronunciation will be better.
Confira a resposta:
Jess Mariscal e Louis Mariscal são irmãos (are brothers).
Kathy e Louis são casados (are married).
Jess e Susan são casados (are married).
Agora mais alguns exemplos, em inglês é claro.
Two examples of in-laws in the Mariscal family:
Susan is Louis’s sister-in-law and Jess is Kathy’s brother-in-law.
What about Louis, for example? Is he Kathy’s brother-in-law?
An in-law is a relative by marriage:
brother-in-law – a brother by marriage
daughter-in-law – the wife of your son
father-in-law – the father of your spouse
mother-in-law – the mother of your spouse
sister-in-law – the sister of your spouse
son-in-law – the husband of your daughter
What’s a spouse? A husband, a wife, or both?
See you next time!
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