Este é o segundo post sobre o mundo dos esportes. O primeiro foi publicado aqui. So, let’s resume our sports idioms.
1. to choke – to be suddenly unable to do something, due to pressure and stress.
I spent hours preparing my presentation but when I got in front of the executives I choked.
2. to drop the ball – to fail to complete one’s responsibilities
You were expect to water my plants while I was way on my vacation but you didn’t. You really dropped the ball.
3. a good sport – an agreeable person
My dad is such a good sport. Whenever my nephew asks him to play with him he says yes.
4. to play by the rules – to conduct yourself ethically
At every company you work, you have to play by the rules.
5. to start the ball rolling – to begin something
We have a lot to do so we’d better start the ball rolling.
6. team player – a person who works well with others
In order to get ahead in life you have to be cooperative and learn to be a teamplayer.
7. ballpark – approximate
Can you give me a ballpark price on what a new compact car costs?
8. to be batting a thousand – to be extremely successful
Mike could never get a date but now that he’s working out he’s been batting a thousand.
9. to roll with the punches – to accept something unpleasant without fighting back
We all know the boss is mean to everyone but we have to roll with the punches, after all he’s retiring in two weeks.
See you all soon!
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