Como dizer "Ter parte com o diabo" em inglês

Simon Vasconcelos 11 225
-Não é possível que ele não tenha descoberto.
-Ela conseguiu enganá-lo outra vez. Ela deve ter parte com o diabo.

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2 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
This is freaky, looks like she got supernatural powers/went supernatural.

How come that happens?/how come she having cheated/deceive him time and again. She might have used witchcraft. or It´s some sort of black magic/magic?

And other ways. As people say when are in a rage and say things like ''sold her soul to the d**** or has a pact with...and things like that. Things like she is the devil/an old hag/witch etc, or maybe even might say her name is Miranda and she wears Prada :lol: .
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

have a deal with the devil

Referências de uso:

Tina Fey I've got a new theory regarding which celebrity has a deal with the devil. [ - USA]
Also we heard he has a deal with the devil where every time he changes his stage name he gets a million dollars. [Google - USA]

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