Hoje vamos falar sobre as “new year’s resolutions” que são decisões que tomamos e tentamos por em prática quando um novo ano se inicia. Vejam:
1. Save money/Get out of debt: Economizar/Sair das dívidas
Ex.: Having enough money when you need it can keep you out of trouble.
2. Become more independent: Tornar-se mais independente.
Ex.: Being independent improves your self-esteem.
3. Help others: Ajudar os outros
Ex.: Helping other people is a way of learning to enjoy life more.
4. Lose weight/Gain weight: Perder/ganhar peso
Ex.: People are usually more at peace with themselves when they feel they´re looking good.
5. Drink less/quit smoking: Beber menos/parar de fumar
Ex.: Life can be really hard when you´re ill. Being addicted eventually becomes an ordeal.
6. Study more/Get a better job: Estudar mais/arrumar um emprego melhor.
Ex.: Both resolutions might help you to make more money which is often a solution to problems.
7. Make more time for the people you like: Arrumar mais tempo para as pessoas que se gosta.
Ex.: Spending time with them can be a way of feeling happier and more secure.
…which of these resolutions would you try? Go for broke!
All the best!
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