Hi, this is Jason Bermingham—with a bit of a cold this week! Today we continue our study of tongue-twisters with three short warm-up exercises taken from the book Voiceovers: Techniques and Tactics for Success by author and voice-over artist Janet Wilcox.
The first warm-up will help you with the b sound, the second with the s sound, and the third with the th sound.
Make sure you click on the audio link and follow along. You should repeat each line after me.
Let’s start with the b sound.
Big black bears
Bake brownies while breathing
Back black smoke
Good. Now let’s work on the s sound
Snakes smile so sweetly
When they see shiny
Snails sitting on the
OK. Finally, let’s work on the th sound.
Thank Theodore for
Those thatched roofs and
Thick thistles without thorns
Thorns, Thaddeus
I’m Jason Bermingham on English Experts. We’ll have more tongue-twisters next week.
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