Como dizer "ficar atento" em inglês
Como dizer "ficar atento" em Inglês?
R.: Stay on guard.
- Stay careful and avoid any trick, surprise or getting yourself in a bad situation.
E.g.: Stay on guard here, because where we are now, is the worst enemy field!
Como dizer "ficar atento" em Inglês?
R.: Stay on guard.
- Stay careful and avoid any trick, surprise or getting yourself in a bad situation.
E.g.: Stay on guard here, because where we are now, is the worst enemy field!
5 respostas
Keep your eyes peeled.
In addition
- Be alert. Ex.: be always alert, there are always people trying to shift you off the right pathway.
- Stay tuned. Ex.: stay always tuned pal, there's nothing worse than tripping in front of crowds.
- Be alert. Ex.: be always alert, there are always people trying to shift you off the right pathway.
- Stay tuned. Ex.: stay always tuned pal, there's nothing worse than tripping in front of crowds.
Mais opções:
Keep your eyes open: fique atento
Keep your eyes open. They're after us both now. [Fique atento. Eles estão atrás de nós dois agora.]
Watch your back: fique atento
Watch your back. This guy wants to ruin you. [Fique atento. Este cara quer acabar com você.]
Bons estudos.
Keep your eyes open: fique atento
Keep your eyes open. They're after us both now. [Fique atento. Eles estão atrás de nós dois agora.]
Watch your back: fique atento
Watch your back. This guy wants to ruin you. [Fique atento. Este cara quer acabar com você.]
Bons estudos.
「Stay sharp!」
Ex.: — Alright. You two go. I'll secure this area. Stay sharp!
Tradução: — Tudo bem. Vocês dois vão. Eu protegerei esta área. Fiquem atentos!
Ex.: — Alright. You two go. I'll secure this area. Stay sharp!
Tradução: — Tudo bem. Vocês dois vão. Eu protegerei esta área. Fiquem atentos!
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