Como dizer que estou me aperfeiçoando em Ludopedagogia?
Gostaria de saber qual é o termo correto para usar ao descrever em uma conversa que pretendo fazer uma pós graduação em Ludopedagogia e Neuroaprendizagem.
Desde já agradeço a todos.
Desde já agradeço a todos.
5 respostas
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Ludopedagogia - educational play/play-based learning, etc.
Neuroaprendizagem - perhaps, neuroeducation, if you mean the discipline that may integrate neurology, psychology, cognitive sciences, etc; applied to teaching and didactic purposes.
Neuroaprendizagem - perhaps, neuroeducation, if you mean the discipline that may integrate neurology, psychology, cognitive sciences, etc; applied to teaching and didactic purposes.
RedSea nailed it. Their words seems more formal to me (more academical perhaps).
I am not into academics, but my impression is that post-graduation in ludo-pedagogy is a 'Brazilian breed', ludogogy/ludo pedagogy/ludo-pedagogy/ludoliteracy seems like a tool or approach/strategy, however taught in graduate or post-graduates studies (so a subject in the course). Also, sometimes applied to the industry of games, to teach workers some skills they have difficult in normal ways, etc.
Let's wait for those in-the-know to share their views and insights, though.
Ludogogy - a neologism – the art, science or profession of facilitating learning through play or games, as per definition from the Ludogogy magazine. So, again, on the informal/colloquial side.
I am not into academics, but my impression is that post-graduation in ludo-pedagogy is a 'Brazilian breed', ludogogy/ludo pedagogy/ludo-pedagogy/ludoliteracy seems like a tool or approach/strategy, however taught in graduate or post-graduates studies (so a subject in the course). Also, sometimes applied to the industry of games, to teach workers some skills they have difficult in normal ways, etc.
Let's wait for those in-the-know to share their views and insights, though.
Ludogogy - a neologism – the art, science or profession of facilitating learning through play or games, as per definition from the Ludogogy magazine. So, again, on the informal/colloquial side.
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