Como dizer "Ultrapassar pela contramão" em inglês

Simon Vasconcelos 12 302
Os motoqueiros daqui gostam de ultrapassar pela contramão. Parecem que eles mesmo adotaram a mão inglesa.

Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
3 respostas

"To overtake on the wrong side (of the road)".

Se você estiver se referindo a ultrapassar um veículo pelo lado errado (mas não necessariamente na contramão):

"To pass on the right/left/wrong side. (Comum)
"To overtake on the right/left".
"To overtake on the wrong side."
Carls 2 78

To overtake on the outside = ultrapassar pela direita
Carls 2 78
Uma ressalva:

1-[b]Wrong lane[/b]/wrong way = contramão
To drive in the wrong lane = seguir em contramão

2-[b]Inside [/b]= (in Britain) lado esquerdo (da estrada); (in US, Europe etc) lado direito (da estrada)
Inside lane = (Aut:in Britain) (driving on left) pista da esquerda; (in US, Europe) (driving on right) pista da direita
To overtake on the inside = (Aut:in Britain) (driving on left) ultrapassar pela esquerda; (in US, Europe) (driving on right) ultrapassar pela direita
To overtake on the right (Br)/to pass on the right (US) = ultrapassar pela direita
To overtake on the left (Br)/to pass on the left (US) = ultrapassar pela esquerda
a) A motorbike was coming up on the inside = uma mota aproximava-se na contramão [na faixa da esquerda (in Britain), na faixa da direita (In US, Europe)]
b) It is illegal to overtake on the left in the UK unless in exceptional circumstances when all lanes are filled and you need to overtake on the left just to keep up with the traffic flow.

c) Police were told that the man was riding his motor cycle when it alleged that he attempted to overtake a motor car on the inside, and collided with the vehicle which was turning at the same time. ... h-car.html

d) Never overtake a vehicle on the inside. This is a known cause of crashes in urban areas as a result of the motorcyclist losing traction and going under wheels of the vehicle or where the vehicle makes a left turn not realising a motorbike is present.

e) Many [motorcycle taxi] drivers will weave precariously in and out of traffic, overtake on the inside, treat one-way streets and red traffic lights as if they’re optional, and frequently drive short sections along the pavement or wrong side of the road in an effort to get you there just that bit faster. Maybe they will even pop onto a sidewalk that does not have too many pedestrians. ... n-bangkok/

3-Outside = (Britain: estrada) direita ; (in US, Europe etc) esquerda
Outside lane = (Aut:in Britain) (driving on left) pista da direita; (in US, Europe) (driving on right) pista da esquerda
To overtake on the outside = (Aut:in Britain) (driving on left) ultrapassar pela direita; (in US, Europe) (driving on right) ultrapassar pela esquerda
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA