What is your favorite adventure sport?

What is your favorite adventure sport?
  Verificado por especialistas
Donay Mendonça 24 136 1.7k
Question: What is your favorite adventure sport?

Examples of answers:

- My favorite adventure sport is surfing. I think it's very exciting and I feel like I'm flying when I'm practicing it.
- My favorite adventure sport is hiking. I like it best because I love nature and distant places.
- My favorite adventure sport is skiing. I love it. It makes me feel free and extremely comfortable.

Now, it's your turn!
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5 respostas
I knew the slacklane some weeks ago, but I already like it so much. It's a kind of adventure sport.
For practise it you need:
- polyester webbing;
- two anchor points (eg. trees, lampposts, wood's stakes, etc).

Generally you practise it in parks and beaches. In this sport you have to walk on the webbing, it's a
practice in balance.
If you want, you can se the slackline's practise here:

I don't practice adventure sports, but I like it so much!
Some of them are:
- Surf
- Rafting
- Bungee Jump
- Paragliding

Maybe one day...
Hello Donay Mendonça.

My favorite sport is adventure racing because I feel free, in direct contact with nature, and also because I love challenges and seeing different places.

Please correct me if I'm wrong on something.

Thank you very much.

Hello Donay.

So I think that martial arts isn't a adventure sport, but I've been practice martial arts since 2011. And I feel free with it.
Some people think that martial arts it's a very violent sport, but when you begins to practice a martial art, It's like you discovered a new world.

Also it's a great sport to improve our citizenship. I recommend martial arts!

Thanks. Have a nice study.
My favorite adventure sport are my dreams... I always dream I am flying over the city or the country :P

I think that's why I would like to do Skydiving someday.
Nesta aula, o professor Denilso de Lima, autor do livro "Combinando Palavras em Inglês", ensina como as collocations (combinações de palavras) podem ajudar você a falar inglês com mais naturalidade. ACESSAR AULA