What's your favorite flower?

What's your favorite flower?
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Flavia.lm 1 10 101
Question: What’s your favorite flower?

Examples of answers:

- Any. They are all perfect.
- I don’t like flowers because I’m allergic to it.
- Tulips. They are simple and delicate.
- Red roses, of course!
- I don’t like flowers because they remind me of cemeteries.
- I prefer the plastic ones because they don’t need to be watered.
- I don’t like flowers but I have some plants like ferns and pine trees.
- I like orchids and have some in my house.

Cf. Flores em inglês

Now it is your turn!
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27 respostas
I like daffodil, because it grows up in poor and rock soils.
Narcissus pseudonarcissus is the only specie find in north of England- Wales

http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r111 ... tta-03.jpg
I have never thought about it, but I think I prefer tulips. They are so perfect and have no thorns. The stalk is so smooth and the petals are so thin, delicated and soft! And the colors are so alive: red, pink, orange or yellow, it's always beautiful!
I like colorful flowers.
Friends, me too, I have never thought about that. But, for sure, almost any flower is quite beatiful. Plastic flowers works out when we don't have time to water them, nevertheless, real ones are even prettier, environments become nicer.
In my home there's not plenty of real flowers, but some plastics we can find over here.
BiahCane 1 11
I like sunflowers because they always seek the light.
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Marcio_Farias 1 24 216
This flower sniffer would rather leave them alone in their natural environment.
Personally, I love a lot of flowers - roses for their meaning and their symbolic character that we held captive in our history since ages and centuries now. Tulips for their simple perfectionist character. As said before their are incredibly beautiful because of their diverse perfectionism. Smooth, no thorns, colorful, bright. And - far beyond beauty and far beyond being the most wonderful of all flowers in the world, my personal favorite - the calla lily. A marvelous flower that I love to have around me. I always order these florist flowers at my local store and I keep them for about a week while they decorate my environment perfectly beautiful.
I really love orchids!!! I always have at least one blooming in my house.I think they are delicate and sophisticated.And the best thing about the orchids is that you don t need to water them everyday and its flowers last a good month.
Jerry Dorien 4 48
I love roses, don`t misunderstand me, men like flowers too, Roses remind me a lecture by Daniel Godri:

"The rose is a modern professional, born with petals closed up, but will be opening....
We have to be professional learning, a country that learns ..."

"Rose, the older, more fragrant, unlike cabbage..."

All the best
I love all kinds of flowers.
I think that just one red rose is perfect.
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I like Angélica, because is my name, is beautiful.
I don't have a favorite flower
I could answer "any" because I really love all of them. But I want to be more specific, so I'll say my favorites. Sunflowers, of course. They're amazing, that's all. Roses, of every colors because they're all beautiful. Yet I have a bigger affection for the blue ones. Daisies, too. They're enchanting. I also like dandelions (don't know for sure if they're considered flowers...) and allium (don't know for sure if I spelled right). I think tulips are lovely, with an special love for the tulip fields in Amsterdam.
That's it. :D
I think flowers are beautiful, the smell are good, but I don't have any specific flower that I like more.
Roses. As the Ana Carolina in their music ...
"Every woman likes roses ... lol
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I love flowers are simple beautifull and a like of the smell; colors; etc. My favorite flower is Gerbera.
I like flowers, but i dont have anythig Because I dont have time to take care. But I love flowes it's beautiful and cute. But my mom has many cacti.
Red rose
I like different flowers, but Dahlias gets me nervous ... I love to tighten... lol
In my opinion all the flowers are beautiful and interesting!
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I don't like rose. I love!
Well, I like flowers in general, for they are all unique and beautiful. My favorite one, however, is the purple orchid. :)
I love roses, because even being cliche, they are still beautiful. But I don't really like red roses, I prefer them with artificial colors, like black or purple.
I love flowers... Sunflower, cherry blossom ... Others.
Algum aluno já pegou você de surpresa com aquela pergunta que você não encontra a resposta nos livros didáticos? Com o English Plus você encontra milhares de tópicos que passaram pela curadoria de nossa equipe: informação confiável e de fácil consulta. Economize um tempo precioso em suas pesquisas. ATIVAR ENGLISH PLUS
I like so much red boungainville. They're so beautiful.
I really like orchids, they are so preatty and smelling and their vegetal physiology is very complex.
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