Como dizer "dar um tempo" em inglês

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Donay Mendonça 24 136 1.7k
Aprenda a dizer dar um tempo em inglês com pronúncia e frases traduzidas. Leia esta dica e dê aquela turbinada nas suas habilidades com o idioma. Fique por dentro do assunto.
  • Take a break
  • Make a break
  • Give somebody a break
  • Give somebody a rest
  • Stop doing something
Exemplos de uso:
  • Let's take a break. [Vamos dar um tempo.]
  • He's taking a break from the gym. [Ele está dando um tempo da academia.]
  • Come on! Give me a break! [Vamos! Me dá um tempo!]
  • He decided to stop going to the gym. [Ele decidiu dar um tempo da academia.]
  • Go away and stop bothering me! Give me a rest! [Vá embora e pare de me incomodar! Me dá um tempo!]
  • I haven't seen you there! "I'm taking a break." [Eu não tenho te visto lá! "Eu estou dando um tempo."]
Cf. Como dizer "Muito tempo atrás" em inglês
Cf. Expressões de Tempo em Inglês - Time Expressions

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12 respostas
What about these expressions. Are they correct?


Donay Mendonça 24 136 1.7k
Estão sim. Em um contexto diferente, mas estão sim.

Dá um tempo!
Give it a rest!
Give me a break!

Bons estudos.

I don't understand - I am new to this. Are you posing a question?

If so, here goes my attempt at answering.

Phelip:I haven´t see you lately!Where have you been?
Lia:Oh,I´ve made a break.I´ve decided to take english lessons and stop playing tennis.

I believe that the expression "I've made a break" in this case does not refer to "dar um tempo" but rather it makes reference to make a "clean break or stop something, brake ties" - in this case, start something new. Stop the tennis and start the English lessons.

Make a break - also can imply to make a run for it, an attempt to escape, run from the past, etc...the use of it in this sentence would be correct albeit somewhat odd.

If the intent was for Lia to say that she has taken a break from on to start another then she should have said: Oh, I've taken a break (from tennis). I've decided.....

Ok, sorry, I think I may have overcomplicated my response. Hope this helps rather than confuse. :?
maryziller 1 2
Spot on, Luciana!

I would say I've been taking a break to bring it up to the present encounter with Phelip, since they bumped into one another.

I've taken a break makes it seem somewhat removed from the present, to me, as if it is finalized and relegated to a period in the past.
Donay Mendonça 24 136 1.7k

I agree that "make a break" refers to "stop doing something" and start something new. I believe that the most commom meaning in Portuguese refers to "temporary interruption" which is better translated by "Take/have a break". I'd also say that people (here in Brazil) often use "dar um tempo" the same way you can use "make a break" in English. Now I'll rewrite the dialogue with your suggestion, which is the most commom option:

Phelip: I haven't see you lately! Where have you been?
Lia: Oh, I've taken a break. I've decided to take English lessons and stop playing tennis.

Thank you.
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Henry Cunha 3 18 191

The expression is generally "I`m taking a break" (or "I've been taking a break") for an ongoing action. You can also use a past tense, "I took a break from..." , and it will also be understood as an ongoing action unless some other time element is added to the sentence.

"Dar um tempo" should generally come out as "give it (some) time."

Donay Mendonça 24 136 1.7k
Hi Henry,

Yes, your suggestion makes sense to me. In spite of being influenced by the literal translation from portuguese, which, to me, would be "I've taken a break"(23,300 occurrences) on Google. I feel that "I'm taking a break" flows better.

All the best
Jerry Dorien 4 50

before I left home I chilled for half an hour.
Antes de sair de casa, dei um tempo de meia hora.

See you!!

Give me a break!
How can I say this sentence in future?
Algum aluno já pegou você de surpresa com aquela pergunta que você não encontra a resposta nos livros didáticos? Com o English Plus você encontra milhares de tópicos que passaram pela curadoria de nossa equipe: informação confiável e de fácil consulta. Economize um tempo precioso em suas pesquisas. ATIVAR ENGLISH PLUS
Donay Mendonça 24 136 1.7k
Duas opções:

I'll take a break.
I'm going to take a break.

Bons estudos.
Donay Mendonça escreveu:Duas opções:

I'll take a break.
I'm going to take a break.

Bons estudos.
Thanks Donay :)
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