Como dizer "muito em cima de você" em inglês

Como dizer "muito em cima de você" em inglês?

Exemplo: Quando você conhece alguém, e fica em cima grudado igual chiclete.

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5 respostas
Telma Regina 9 65 608

Stuck on you

When you get stuck on someone and can't let go.
PPAULO 6 51 1.3k
And also a past discussion about "chiclete/pessoa grudenta".

And on the internet, I found the term "helicopter boyfriend", a controlling guy with insecurity issues.
E para esta frase:

A minha mãe fica em cima de mim.

Também uso o "stuck on you", ficando assim com "stuck" :

My mother get stuck on me.

No sentido de controlar a pessoa, o(a) filho(a) ?
PPAULO 6 51 1.3k
Some kinds of "a mãe dar em cima de alguém/ficar em cima de alguém (o tempo todo):

My mother is a helicopter parent
(she has the longest umbilical cord ever seen, her cellphone which is constantly checking on me, ha ha ha)

Mommy is a overbearing parent, she is very controlling and just doesn´t let go of me.

Mine is a controlling mother, she simply thinks (and tries) to run my life, ow/ouch!
PPAULO 6 51 1.3k
Funny thing is, sometimes daughters/sons hate what parents do to them, they think of them as authoritarians.
Then some time is past and sons/daughters are now parents themselves, they do the very thing they hated, now they call it discipline or that they get worried about their children education, wellbeing, yada yada!

Just saying! (somehow the topic made me think of that). Not that I am saying that is always the case, there are overbearing and possessive parents out there (so sometimes children say that for a reason). Anyway, one needs maturity to strike a balance.
Nesta aula, o professor Denilso de Lima, autor do livro "Combinando Palavras em Inglês", ensina como as collocations (combinações de palavras) podem ajudar você a falar inglês com mais naturalidade. ACESSAR AULA