Como dizer "Vocês gostam mais de comida salgada ou doce?" em inglês

Good morning, Guys.
Eu gostaria de saber como se diz 'Vocês gostam mais de comida salgada ou doce?' em inglês?
Como poderia escrever esta frase de forma formal e de forma informal( escrever em redes sociais)?
Thanks in advance.

Isa Mara Lando é uma referência entre os profissionais de tradução. Ela já traduziu mais de 100 livros, entre eles estão obras de autores aclamados, como: George Orwell, Salman Rushdie e Walter Isaacson (a biografia de Einstein). Nesta aula gratuita, Isa dá várias dicas de vocabulário. ACESSAR AULA
1 resposta
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Do you prefer sweet or salty food?
Do you crave sweeter foods than the salty ones?
What food do you like more sweet or salty?

Are you a sweet tooth or a savoury tooth? (slangy here).
Granted, savoury would be more of in contrast to sweet tooth, say something of a non-sweet-tooth or given to eat with a mix of flavors (flavorful, let's put this way).
"Salty tooth" sometimes is used, but not much, although many will say that the British use "savoury" as synonym with "salty".
"Salty junkie" and "salt addict" are also,

Ref. vocabulary

Saltaholic usage is being "monitored" by Collins Dictionary "for evidence of usage", in others words, to see if it's catch on. But didn't make it to the dictionary and mainstream media at large.

In Bahia you would say "Do you prefer spicy, salty, sour or sweet food? (spicy, at least in that order). Just kidding around ! :-)
And beware the "hot" angu...! Don't think hot as the opposite of cold, when you travel to Salvador. Unless you work as a fire-eater, fire-breather! Again, just kidding!

It worth noticing that sometimes they use salt in culinary to make sweet foods taste sweeter.
And our candies, cakes and desserts are too sweet to many English-speaking guys from abroad! Remember that when you offer them to your fellow Interchange student.
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA