Behaveost e thread - Tradução em português

Dentro desses contextos, por favor.

1. o contexto de Thread:
Too much homework

My daughter is a senior who has a minimum of 5 hours of homework every night. She's taking calculus,
physics, English Literature, French V and French Literature. What's the rule for homework? Isn't over an hour
per class every night too much? She's rarely in bed before 1:00 am and has to catch the bus at 7:00 the next
morning. We have no time for any family activities.
She's an A-B student and tells me that kids in advanced or honors classes spend far more time, but she's had
to drop all her extra-curricular activities except volleyball because there's no time. Not only that, but she's had
to drop her part-time job except for Saturdays, which means that’s much less money for college.
Anybody have any answers? Do all teachers assign that much? From some of the other threads, it seems that
most think an hour a night is fine...except that if a kid has 5 classes I think that's WAY too much. I can
remember spending 2 hours a night and thought it was more than enough!

2. Contexto de Behaveost:

Learning how to behaveost people are unaware they possess a quite remarkable skill, wich is usually overlooked because it is exercised daily, and in the most ordinary contexts. But without it, our lives wold be unfulfilled and empty. It is the ability to relate to others, to encourage them in conversations, to operate as social and sociable individuals and to develop both short-term and long-term relatioships[...]

Andrea Bezerra

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
2 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

1."Thread" refere-se a um assunto ou sequência de mensagens enviadas em um fórum de discussões, por exemplo,quando você diz "Qual o significado de: BEHAVEOST e THREAD", você abriu/criou um "thread" novo.

1.Há um erro de digitação na segunda pergunta,o qual eu sugiro:"Learning how to behave,most people forget they possess a quite remarkable skill..."/Ao aprender a se comportar,as pessoas esquecem que possuem uma habilidade incrível..."

Bem Vinda Ao Forum!
Ok, Donay.
Realmente nao atentei para isso, apenas transcrevi o texto que me foi repassado como aplicado em um vestibular do Parana.
Muito obgrigada.