Adjetivo terminado em -ing

Sabendo que é possível a estrutura BE + adjective + preposition + gerund , podemos usar participial adjective nessa estrutura ? Por exemplo, em ' The president's words were boring of being repetitive ' , a formação é correta ?
Analogamente , é possível usar adjetivo terminado em - ing na estrutura BE + adjective + infinitive ? Por exemplo, a frase ' The president's words were stranging to understand ' é coerente ?

Isa Mara Lando é uma referência entre os profissionais de tradução. Ela já traduziu mais de 100 livros, entre eles estão obras de autores aclamados, como: George Orwell, Salman Rushdie e Walter Isaacson (a biografia de Einstein). Nesta aula gratuita, Isa dá várias dicas de vocabulário. ACESSAR AULA
3 respostas
PPAULO 6 51 1.3k
Both sentences are uncommon and in this way they don´t work.

As for the grammar subject of participial adjectives itself:
Past participle (verb+ED) is used to express how people feel.
Present participle (-ING) is used to show the people or the things that cause such feelings.

And where is the adjective part of this? The -ING or -ED part of the verbs. It is what "adjectives" the sentence, because the verb functions as an adjective there.

So, to the "ED" (a past participle but used with a present meaning here - since it works as an adjective here) part we have to add a subject/person etc, to the scene, examples:

Everyone is bored with the repetitive words of the president.
He is bored with the president´s repetitive words.
I left out the "boring" of your sentence not to make myself boring and repetitive! :-) If people are bored it´s because they were subject to something boring. Anyway we could replace "boring and repetitive" by 'nonsensical and repetitive/meaningless and repetitive", etc.

The president´s words were boring and repetitive. (implicit that it´s to everybody at the place and at the time).
The words of the president were boring and repetitive. (to everyone/to my neighbour/to John, etc)
The words of the president were boring and repetitive, to everyone.

-ED participle is about the experiencer (the one feeling the emotion).
-Ing participle is about the actor (the one/thing causing the emotion)
Both, when used referring to emotive verbs, of course.

I hope this helps.
Nos exemplos dados no PRESENT PARTICIPLE, existe uma maneira de manter o adjetivo terminado em - ing, mas especificar que as pessoas estão entendiadas pelo fato das palavras serem repetitivas ? Na frase dada como exemplo, é claro que as palavras do presidente deixam as pessoas entendiadas e, além disso, são repetitivas. Ou seja, pode haver um outro motivo para deixar as pessoas entediadas. Além disso, há um motivo gramatical para as frases da minha pergunta estarem erradas? Obrigado pela resposta.
PPAULO 6 51 1.3k
The president´s words were boring and repetitive, making everyone sick and tired of it.
The president´s words were boring and repetitive, so everyone couldn´t stand it.
The president´s words were boring and repetitive, it was a big turn off for everyone.
The president´s words were boring and repetitive, nobody was interested.
The president´s winding and meaningless speech was so dull that everybody´s eyes glassed over with boredom.
The president´s speech was a such monotonous and dull thing that no one was listening, their minds wandering elsewhere.

Actually what I meant is that in my sentences with "bored" I shouldn´t wedge - as a reason to state why they were bored - the "ing" as in "because the words were boring and repetitive".
Conversely, in the sentences with "boring" the fact of the audience is bored is assumed (so no need of the word "bored" in the sentence, but it could come in a sentence afterward).

So, somehow I was the one that was wrong, your sentence hasn´t any of that, sorry for that - my mistake here indeed.
On the other hand, the choice of words was not the best, boring of being repetitive is not a good way to express what you meant. Boring because it was repetitive would be a more apt (suitable and natural) way.
Other than that, and just for variety´s sake, I have provided some sentences more.
Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA