Como dizer "Alta gastronomia/cozinha" em inglês

Simon Vasconcelos 12 284
Haute cuisine, fine cuisine, high cuisine, upscale cuisine

Why haute cuisine can’t be done in haste.
Ref. theguardian

(...) while union leaders fear that “exploitation in the name of fine cuisine” will continue until more formal measures are taken to stop heavy-handed behaviour.
Ref. theguardian

"I don't care now whether I have three stars, or however many. Or whether I am No 1 or No 28, " explains Ferran Adrià, the former plate-washer who has revolutionised high cuisine over the past 20 years.
Ref. theguardian

I wanted something clean and elegant, with splashes of India to represent the type of updated, upscale cuisine on offer.
Ref. theguardian

Cf. Como dizer "baixa gastronomia" em inglês

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