Como dizer "nada ficou no lugar" em inglês

maryziller 1 2
"Nada ficou no lugar
Eu quero quebrar essas xícaras"

are the beginning two lines of a song by Adriana Calcanhotto called Mentiras.

Does it mean only that "nothing was left in its place" or can it mean "my world was turned upside down?"

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3 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Hi Maryziller,

I believe that "nada ficou no lugar" has to do with the "situation" someone might be in after a troubled relatioship.It´s in the figurative sense."My world was turned upside down" is a good definition.

Nothings has stood in its place <-- I think that could reach a poetic statement hehehe
maryziller 1 2
donay mendonça escreveu:Hi Maryziller,

I believe that "nada ficou no lugar" has to do with the "situation" someone might be in after a troubled relatioship.It´s in the figurative sense."My world was turned upside down" is a good definition.

Thanks for a detailed and understandable and complete explanation.