TO x FOR: Quando usar?

Qual preposição correta devo utilizar nessas frases?

- My mom always cooks to/for him.
- My mom reads a story to/for him every night.

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1 resposta
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
The use of "always" in the first sentence suggests that you are in the role of being a "child" (son or daughter, here) of your mother.
So, she cooks to you. (it's something done out of 'kindness', sort of), or 'as a treat' if you can think this way.
He brought a bottle of wine to me.

"For" me works as a replacement of 'instead of me/in my place', etc.
Take the "always" out, and think in the case you need a replacement at the work (you burned your hand), then you mom "does the cook for you./cooks for you"

My mom reads a story to me every night. - the same reasoning above, and "every" (strongly) hints that she does that as a 'treat'. If you were a grown-up child and forgot your spectacles, she could be reading for you.

Sometimes people use it interchangeably, though. But we are here to answer in a more grammar-wise way. More so when the question asks "quando usar". ;-)
Nesta aula, o professor Denilso de Lima, autor do livro "Combinando Palavras em Inglês", ensina como as collocations (combinações de palavras) podem ajudar você a falar inglês com mais naturalidade. ACESSAR AULA