Como dizer "Efeito (de bola)" em inglês

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Olá Pessoal,


1)A bola estava com efeito.(The ball had a spin on it.)
2)A bola estava com muito efeito.(The ball had a lot of spin on it.)
3)Ele colocou muito efeito na bola.(He put a lot of spin on the ball.)
4)Ele colocou pouco efeito na bola.(He didn´t put much spin on the ball.)

Bons estudos!

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4 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Hi Mary,

I think that in almost every sport "efeito(spin)" is an important way of getting an advantage,it changes the direction of the ball.When you take a free kick(soccer),when you play table tenis,baseball,cricket,volleybal,etc.Zico was very good at taking free kicks,especially because of the spin he used to put on the ball. ... ?id=164570

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Hi Tim,

Glad you´re back!

maryziller 1 2
donay mendonça escreveu:Olá Pessoal,


1)A bola estava com efeito.(The ball had a spin on it.)
2)A bola estava com muito efeito.(The ball had a lot of spin on it.)
3)Ele colocou muito efeito na bola.(He put a lot of spin on the ball.)
4)Ele colocou pouco efeito na bola.(He didn´t put much spin on the ball.
Is that like to throw a curve ball in baseball? In which sports does a ball have a spin on it?
timphillips 11
Hi Donay,

I guess all ball games including my game (in the distant past) - rugby

Tim :D