Como dizer "Por birra, De birra" em inglês
Como dizer "Por birra, De birra" em inglês?
Por favor, traduzir as frases inteiras a seguir.
Ele multou ela por birra. Havia outros na mesma rua cometendo o mesmo erro.
Ela não atendeu o telefone de birra.
Por favor, traduzir as frases inteiras a seguir.
Ele multou ela por birra. Havia outros na mesma rua cometendo o mesmo erro.
Ela não atendeu o telefone de birra.
1 resposta
He (the cop) gave me a ticket out of spite. I was the single one given a ticket even if there were others in the area/location committing the same violation! [1]Ele multou ela por birra. Havia outros na mesma rua cometendo o mesmo erro.
[1] There is a cultural thing here, people in the U.S. Seem like they are going to fight a ticket on other grounds, but
Not because others in the area commit the same violation.
Out of spite - 'de sacanagem'/de maldade pessoal (ou até por rancorzinho OU 'vingancinha'). Podendo ser meio que em resposta, ou por antipatia como resultado da pessoa ter feito algo de que o outro não gostou:
I was stopped by this cop named BM in LA, gave me a speeding ticket and then zoomed off with his pretentious little motorcycle. He clearly was not prepared to fight the case. I asked the judge if I could have traffic school, but the jerk officer objected to this request (most likely out of spite since I decided to fight him)
Out of spite - with the desire to harm someone or something. (The Free Dictionary) Usually in "defiant mode".
Ela não atendeu o telefone de birra.
She didn't answer the phone only to anger me. OR
She made a point of not answering the phone only to make me angry.
She didn't answer the phone, it seemed like she was trying to make me angry.
She didn't answer the phone only to push my buttons.
Let's change the focus to her:
She didn't answer the phone out of frustration, as a way of taking her bad mood on others.
She didn't answer the phone as a way of taking her frustration on others.