Como dizer "Reparar nos erros dos outros" em inglês

Como posso dizer "Eu reparo sim nos erros dos outros, assim eu posso trabalhar nos meus." ?

Eu pensei em mind e pay attention mas não sei se funciona.

Tipo, "Don't mind me taking notes while you speak." (exemplo aleatório)
"I do pay attention to people's mistakes so that I can work on my own."

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2 respostas
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"I do pay attention to people's mistakes so that I can work on my own.
Essa opção soa correta e natural para mim.

Outra opção seria:
I do notice people's mistakes so that I can work on my own.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
"I try to learn as much from other people’s failures as possible so I don't have to make the same mistakes myself." from a comment on Quora.

To writers that could be okay. It depends on the context. Let's imagine a driver is at some distance behind another car and the first aquaplane...
Then the second may or (may) not skid there. It would require observation and perception, or getting knowledge of physics car mechanics and brake strategies, etc.
Plus, we are humans, sometimes we make small mistakes, let's be careful not to develop atelophobia! :-)