Como dizer "sinal fraco/sem sinal" em inglês

Como eu posso dizer por exemplo:

A gente ficou perdidos na mata, sem sinal no celular, não podíamos ligar para ninguém.

A gente estava num ponto muito alto e afastado da cidade, o sinal tava fraco/baixo.

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5 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
A gente ficou perdidos na mata, sem sinal no celular, não podíamos ligar para ninguém.

-We got lost in the woods/the forest with no mobile phone signal.
-We got lost in the forest with no cell phone signal.
-We got lost in the forest/in the woods, where tall trees totally obstructed any cell phone signal.
(and other ways, to say that, these were just some of them.)

We got lost in the forest with poor (or weak) signal. (here, it means that the call might drop out, the voice quality is so poor that you can´t understand it sometimes etc...)

We got lost in the forest at a location in wich the reception (signal) was so poor that we couldn´t make out what people on the other end said.
Só uma pequena observação:
A gente ficou perdidos????

"A gente ficou pedido"... ou "nós ficamos perdidos..."
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
"A gente ficou perdida".
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
Come to think of it, I consider the sentence "A gente ficou perdido" right.

I would consider the sentence "A gente ficou perdida" correct if three or more than three persons of the female sex referred to themselves as "a gente".

(I can no longer edit or delete my previous post.)
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Don´t sweat it, Marcio. This just proves that everyone makes mistakes, even you! ha ha ha. :lol:
Indeed the construction would be "a gente ficou perdido", you are right on that one, and thanks for noticing. ;)