Exercício: Although x Though x Even though

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

1. "Even though" é o mais enfático,"although" é o mais formal e "though" o mais informal deles. Mas, em resumo, tem o mesmo significado [embora] e podem ser usados no mesmo contexto, tanto no começo quanto no meio da frase. Vejam exemplos:

A. Although we are still in the middle of the project, we have finished much of the work.
B. Though we are still in the middle of the project, we have finished much of the work.
C. Even though we are still in the middle of the project, we have finished much of the work.

D. He didn't pass the exam though he had studied a lot.
E. He didn't pass the exam even though he had studied a lot.
F. He didn't pass the exam although he had studied a lot.

2. Com base nas explicações, reescreva as sentenças a seguir usando 'although', 'though' ou 'even though', no começo, conforme indicado.

A. He was angry with her, he tried to help her. [Although]
B. She is usually busy, she calls her mother every day. [Though]
C. We were tired, we went to the wedding. [Even though]

3. Traduza as frases a seguir.

A. He didn't pass the test although he had studied a lot.

B. We can't talk to her even though we call her every day.

4. Passe a sentença a seguir para o inglês.

"Eles não compraram embora tivessem dinheiro suficiente."
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2. Com base nas explicações, reescreva as sentenças a seguir usando 'although', 'though' ou 'even though', no começo, conforme indicado.

a. Although he was angry with her, he tried to help her. [Although]
b. Though she is usually busy, she calls her mother every day. [Though]
c. Even though we were tired, we went to the wedding. [Even though]

3. Traduza as frases a seguir.

a. He didn't pass the test although he had studied a lot.
R: Ele nao passou no teste embora tenha estudado muito.

b. We can't talk to her even though we call her every day.
R: Nós nao podemos falar com ela embora nós a chamamos todos os dias.

4. Passe a sentença a seguir para o inglês.

"Eles não compraram embora tivessem dinheiro suficiente."
R: They did not buy even though they had enough money.
2. a. Although he was angry with her, he tried to help her.
b. Though she is usually busy, she calls her mother every day.
c. Even though we ere tired, we went to the wedding.

3. a. Ele não passou no teste embora ele tenha estudado muito.
b. Nós não podemos conversar com ela embora nós a chamamos todos os dias.

4. They didn't buy it although they had enough money.
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Aqui estão as respostas/Here are the answers:

a. Although he was angry with her, he tried to help her.
b. Though she is usually busy, she calls her mother every day.
c. Even though we were tired, we went to the wedding.


a. Ele não passou no teste embora tenha estudado muito.
b. Não conseguimos falar com ela embora a gente ligue para ela todo dia.


"They didn't buy it though/although/even though they had enough money."

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