Has Bruno Mars got the (Brazilian) 'Portuguese' bug?
While celebrating his birthday he said sentences in Portuguese, including the statement that he "está facin"...(that is, he is "available", in the dating market, unnatached again, not in serious...
Hoje, 03:29 - PPAULO
Como dizer "Primeiro turno e Segundo turno (das eleições)" em inglês
Aprenda a dizer turno de eleições em inglês: primeiro turno, segundo turno. Leia este artigo e melhore ainda mais as suas habilidades no idioma. Fique por dentro do assunto.
Round: Turno
Brace - se preparar para...
Still Recovering From Helene, Florida Braces for Milton
Ainda em recuperação do (furacão) Helena a Flórida se prepara para o (furacão) Milton.
Hoje, 03:01 - PPAULO
Esmaltólodra !
How would you say that? Now I am the asker around here.
My hunch or educated guess would be "polish-holic" and/or "polish-a-holic", but it's a kick-off, pending confirmation by the experts.
Hoje, 02:47 - PPAULO
Papo reto! Na moral - sinistro...
Papo reto! - I am dead serious (while saying that...), before a candid conversation or meaning that you will say what you mean, no matter what.
It can also be "I am going to call a spade a spade"...
Hoje, 02:20 - PPAULO
Como dizer "colocar em laranjada" em inglês
Carro tomba após GPS colocar motorista em 'laranjada' em Salvador...
Car flips backwards after Satnav got the driver in a bind (instructing him to navigate the likely steepest slope of the...
Como dizer "Chegar à costa, atingir a costa" em inglês
To make landfall
Hurricane Milton made landfall Wednesday night as a "dangerous Category 3" storm near Siesta Key, on Florida's central west coast, the National Hurricane Center said. Ref. cbsnews
(steamed) couscous and "tapioca couscous" (sweet couscous).
The yellow one, made of maize/corn flakes, many would call it couscous from Northeast...a more plain couscous.
Ref. brazilianfarmers
The white one is a flan-like, the sweet couscous made in RJ, A...
Como dizer "De mala e cuia" em inglês
Bag and baggage
We were told we'd have to be out of the house, bag and baggage, in a week's time.
The Free Dictionary
Como digo "Ir a toda velocidade (como gíria)" em inglês
To barrel (slang)
Hurricane Milton was barreling across the Gulf of Mexico as a Category 4 storm Wednesday on a path toward Florida's central west coast, the National Hurricane Center said. Ref....
Botar o galho dentro. - (chicken out) -slang
Wolverine said to Spider Man, did you remember when you tried to fight me and chickened out?
Wolverine disse pro Homem Aranha, lembra quando você quis lutar comigo e botou o galho dentro?
Como dizer "O peso da máquina estatal" em inglês
The brunt of the state machinery, The (heavy/crushing/vast/full) weight of the state machinery/machine, The power of the state machinery
Journalists in Telangana who covered the COVID-19...
Como dizer "Candidato à reeleição" em inglês
Candidate for re-election, incumbent candidate, incumbent
Elected members who are also candidates for re-election must submit the disclosures both as an elected member and as a candidate. Ref....
Slang "go postal"
I thought I would go postal when I ended up standing in line for one hour, missing the last two innings of the game.
Pensei que me ia surtar quando acabei por ficar na fila durante uma hora,...
Como dizer "Aguentar o tranco/rojão" em inglês
To bear/carry the brunt, to take the heat, to bite the bullet
The world’s poorest didn’t cause the climate crisis, but they bear the brunt of it. Ref. theguardian
“Some of the anger now...
Como dizer "Os votos começaram a entrar" em inglês
The votes started to be tallied/to come in, The first election results have started to come in
Joe Biden in Philadelphia on Election Day before the Pennsylvania election results started to be...
Como dizer "tem tudo a ver com você" em inglês
Eu acabei de ouvir essa expressão num filme e gostaria de compartilhar com vocês.
It's right up your alley.
Pode ser traduzido como "tem tudo a ver com você", "é a sua cara", "cai muito...
Explorar novos horizontes, ir mais longe (inovar)
To push the envelope
It’s become a flashpoint in the 2024 campaign for how its proposals have pushed the envelope beyond the typical Republican promises. Ref. edition.cnn
Ref. merriam-webster
1 resposta
05 Out 2024, 23:36 - PPAULO
Máquina de pegar bichinho (de pelúcia)
(Arcade) (Toy) claw machine, claw crane machine, doll catcher machine
Arcade Claw/Crane Machine that can be controlled by the player. Ref. unrealengine
3-year-old boy gets stuck in toy...
1 resposta
05 Out 2024, 19:53 - PPAULO
Já passei por coisas piores
I've been in more scrapes, I've been through worse, I've endured worse (things)
The genius of Stephen Gold is that he recognises those issues. Indeed, he appears to have been in more scrapes than...
Como dizer "Mais a ver com" em inglês
More akin to, more to do with, more about
Technology Secretary Peter Kyle suggested dealing with powerful tech firms is more akin to diplomacy with other nations than the Government's usual...
Como dizer "Disputa legal" em inglês
Legal wrangling/strife
Biden-Backed Willow Project Is Destined for Years of Legal Wrangling. Ref. newsweek
Trump facing more legal strife on campaign trail. Ref. america.cgtn
American inside out evoution pre intermediate A key
Olá alguém tem as respostas deste livro?
Capa amarela.
Como dizer "Bandana" em inglês
In Ancient Egypt, headscarves were worn by kings and pharaohs, a symbol of strength and beauty. Even today, this headgear comes in various forms, from bandanas though to turbans and...
Como digo "Fazer uma roda de conversa" em inglês
To have/host a talking circle
Five students walked by, and asked what they were all doing. Joe told them they were having a talking circle and invited them to join. Ref. langaravoice
In addition...
Como eu digo isso em inglês?
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