Como dizer "costurar no trânsito" em inglês

Zumstein 1 31 435
Como dizer ‘costurar no trânsito’

Ex: Irresponsável, vivia costurando no trânsito.

Costurar – dirigir um veículo automotor de forma ziguezagueante, cortando outros veículos.


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2 respostas
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Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
Here come a couple of suggestions.

He'd irresponsibly zig-zag through traffic.
At any time of day you'd catch him recklessly zig-zagging through traffic.

(In your mind what penalty or penalties should reckless lane-changers get?)
Daniel.S 1 2 11
Hi there!

Irresponsável, vivia costurando no trânsito.

Ex: what a reckless driver he was, always cutting people off in the traffic

what a reckless driver he was, always moving precipitously into other's paths.

Take care,
