Correção de texto: Love

First of all, the love is the thing most precious in we life, there are many kinds of love, brotherly love, familiar love and love between couples.
By the way, we should valuing the people's love. With this in mind, the respect is fundamental value so that there is love.
Speaking of that, nowadays the people doesn't know love and respect another people, causing many cases of violence, this is very bad.
Actually, everybody need to elevate the love in your heart, because the love is the solution to many kinds of problems.
Therefore, we should in the opposite way of societ, we should distribute love to another people, this is very importante.
Finally, without love everyone will be lost, because only love can be save the world.

Isa Mara Lando é uma referência entre os profissionais de tradução. Ela já traduziu mais de 100 livros, entre eles estão obras de autores aclamados, como: George Orwell, Salman Rushdie e Walter Isaacson (a biografia de Einstein). Nesta aula gratuita, Isa dá várias dicas de vocabulário. ACESSAR AULA
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Thais, aí vão algumas sugestões para melhorar seu text em inglês.

Cuidado com o uso excessivo do artigo THE porque ele não deve ser usado como o usamos em português.

Geralmente em inglês as frases são bem mais concisas do que em inglês. Por isso que eu coloquei um dividi algumas delas em duas -

First of all,the love is the thing most precious thing in we life,. There are many kinds of love - brotherly love, familiar familylove and love between couples.

By the way, we should valuing value the people's love. BearingWith it in mind that the respect is one of the fundamentaslvalue so that there isof love.

Speaking of that,Nowadays, the people don't know how to love and respect another people others. This can cause many cases of violence which it's very bad. s it can cause causing many cases of violence, this is very bad.

Actually, Everybody needs to elevate thebuild more love in your their heart. This is because the love is the solution to many kinds of problems.

Therefore, we should in the opposite way of societ go against the tide in society. We should distribute share our love with other people. This is very important.

Finally, without love everyone will wouldbe lost, because only love canbesave the world.