Qual a diferença entre Juicy e Succulent?

Olá galera gostaria de saber qual a diferença dessas duas palavras para se dizer "suculento" ?
A Succulent meat ?
A juicy meat ?
Há alguma diferença? Se não, qual a mais utilizada?

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1 resposta
marceloluz 3 22
Hi, Brunocoelhoy!

The Cambridge Dictionary brings "succulent" as a 'pleasantly juicy food'; besides, it gives as example "a succulent peach" and "a big piece of succulent steak". To the word "juicy", the same dictionary says it means "full of juice".

If you google "juicy meat", you'll find even a company called "Juicy Meat Company". Conversely, if you google "succulent meat", you'll also find a bunch of registers.

It's worthy notice that "succulent" comes from the latin 'succulentus', meaning "having slurry, substantial, fat, pulpy", so as the word "juice", from the latin 'jus', meaning "broth", via Old French.

That's it!