Bolt of blue - Tradução em português

Cinnamon 16 60 500
A bolt of blue meaning "um raio de tristeza"...@$%#????

I know you've already discussed "out of the blue" guys.
Since I started learning English I found out the expression "unexpectedly, on"
Como gosto muito de musica, ouvindo New Order's Bizarre Love Triangle, I saw the following:

"Every time I think of you I feel a shot right through into a bolt of blue. It's no problem of mine, but it is a problem I find living a life that I can't leave behind."

Translated into Portuguese: Bolt of blue - raio de tristeza
Sei que feeling blue é sentir-se triste (maybe old fashioned but it can be).

Vi essa tradução em alguns sites de musica (lyrics). Sei que muitas vezes cometem erros mas gostaria de saber se por licença poética a tradução poderia ser aquela ou o tradicional "out of the blue" o qual estamos acostumados.

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1 resposta
PPAULO 6 50 1.3k
-Every time I think of you I feel a shot right through into a bolt of blue.
-Every time I think of you I feel, all of a sudden, a shot right through.
-Every time I think of you, suddenly (and unexpectedly), I feel a shot right through.
-Every time I think of you, unexpectedly, I feel a shot right through.
-Every time I think of you, out of the blue, I feel a shot right through.
-Every time I think of you, still it takes me by surprise, certain feelings overhelm me, as if I feel a shot right through.
-Every time I think of you, without warning and by surprise, I feel shot right through. ... f+the+blue
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