Happen back home - Tradução em português

Simon Vasconcelos 11 225
Dazinkyoto is our friend in Japan, here's what he has to say about this jamboree:
I'm watching this in Japan and it's so important that Its been sharing the screen with election talk for the last 10 minutes! It would never happen back home.
Well Dazinkyoto, and other who may or may not be interested, I can break the news that exit poll projects main opposition Liberal Democratic Party to win majority of seats.

Por favor, traduzir o que está destacado. Obrigado.

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Dazinkyoto is our friend in Japan, here's what he has to say about this jamboree:
I'm watching this in Japan and it's so important that Its been sharing the screen with election talk for the last 10 minutes! It would never acontecer lá em casa, no meu lugar de origem.
Well Dazinkyoto, and other who may or may not be interested, I can dar a notícia que diz que pesquisa de boca de urna projeta vitória do partido democrata liberal, da principal oposição, na maioria dos cargos.
It would never happen back home.
Isso nunca aconteceria no meu país( terra natal).
I can break the news that exit poll projects main opposition Liberal Democratic Party to win majority of seats.

Eu posso dar a notícia de que as pesquisas preveem a vitória do Partido Liberal Democrata para a maioria das cadeiras(cargos).