Como digo "Achar uma desfeita" em inglês

Simon Vasconcelos 13 316
To take it as a slight

Meghan Markle was obviously ignorant of the tradition and took it as a slight to her son. Ref. tribune242

Cf. Como dizer "fazer desfeita" em inglês

OBS.: O "achar" do título tem o mesmo sentido de "considerar".

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
1 resposta
PPAULO 6 51 1.3k
In the case of the fisrt sentence "Megan Markle took as a disrepect to her son/considered a disrespect/deemed as a disrespect" or "considered an indignity towards (to) her son"... To less royal people "a lack of respect to their son", a maniefest disdain..., etc.

This is solely on the grounds of language, don't take it as personal view . Please read the reference and make you own mind.up.
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