Como dizer "cortar" em inglês
Como eu digo "cortar" no sentido de alguém te retrucar ? Como os adolescentes dão "cortes" nos outros nas discussões.
4 respostas
Pensei em:
"Cut short" ou "Interrupt".
"Juquinha had a knack of cutting people short with a fresh question at the first symptom of rambling."
"If you have the habit of cutting other people short, you should stop that."
"Geez, we do interrupt people speaking a lot, and we will not lend an attentive ear to them!" (Cuidado. Essa foi inventada.)
"Juquinha issued a sharp (nearly inconsequential) rebuke to one of his friends."
Mas... Peraí... Não tenha presa. Relaxe. Espere por outras sugestões.
"Cut short" ou "Interrupt".
"Juquinha had a knack of cutting people short with a fresh question at the first symptom of rambling."
"If you have the habit of cutting other people short, you should stop that."
"Geez, we do interrupt people speaking a lot, and we will not lend an attentive ear to them!" (Cuidado. Essa foi inventada.)
"Juquinha issued a sharp (nearly inconsequential) rebuke to one of his friends."
Mas... Peraí... Não tenha presa. Relaxe. Espere por outras sugestões.
Yes, Marcio. Cutting people short, I think, would do the trick.
Cut someone short is to interrupt, this way not letting the people finish what they were saying.
Ref. macmillandictionary
Cut someone short is to interrupt, this way not letting the people finish what they were saying.
Ref. macmillandictionary
Thank you guys.
There is also the "cortar" in the sense of "jumping in" the middle of the conversation, without waiting to the other person to stop their talking. That is, in practice they interrupt, since they don't let people finish what they are saying.