Como dizer "Mordida de mosquito" em inglês

Hi guys,

I am allergic to mosquito bites and it seems like no matter where I go, there will be always mosquitos ready to "attack" me! I'm kind of a "mosquito magnet", they even bite me through my clothes!
I found out that some people give off masking odors that prevent mosquitos from finding them. Unfortunately I am not one of these people...

Mordida/picada de mosquito - mosquito bite
Alergia a mosquito - mosquito allergy

When a mosquito bites, the skin becomes red, swollen, itchy and can be painful.
Quando um mosquito pica, a pele fica vermelha, inchada, coçando e pode até doer.


Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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Zumstein 1 31 435
Olá joannaromano.

Da turma do Urban. Vai lá:

Mosquito bites = no boobs

Mosquito bites is another phrase meaning "no boobs at all". (Urban Dictionary)

Ex.: OMG that girl Alice has no boobs she has mosquito bites.
hahaha good one!