Como dizer "onde isso vai dar" em inglês

Jerry Dorien 4 48
Hi pessoal,

take a look how we can say "onde isso vai dar" in english

we both understand where this is all headed (nós sabemos onde tudo isso vai dar).

Abraços, have a nice week for all of you.

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haha thanks Jerry, one more tip added in my head ;)

cee iol !
maryziller 1 2
Where this is headed = where this is going

You can say, "We both know where this is going," and it sounds correct and fluent (normal and ok).

"We know where this is headed" can refer to relationships in English or ideas.
How about in Portugugese? Does one use it in general contexts or just in relationships?
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Hi mary,

People(in Brazil) use in general contexts too.
