Como dizer "Recuperar o tempo perdido" em inglês

Como dizer "Recuperar o tempo perdido" em inglês
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Donay Mendonça 24 136 1.7k
Mais uma dica de inglês para você ampliar seus horizontes. Confira.

Recuperar o tempo perdido: make up for lost time

A) He's making up for lost time after a long trip abroad. (Ele está recuperando o tempo perdido depois de uma longa viagem ao exterior.)
B) I just want to make up for lost time. (Só quero recuperar o tempo perdido.)
C) He felt that life was passing him by and decided to make up for lost time. (Ele sentiu que não estava aproveitando a vida e decidiu recuperar o tempo perdido.)

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3 respostas
Henry Cunha 3 18 191
Talvez o exemplo mais celebrado dessa frase seja o romance de Proust, À la recherce du temps perdu, mas aqui "tempo perdido" se refere a coisas esquecidas. Foi traduzido originalmente para o inglês como Remembrance of Things Past, e depois In Search of Lost Time. Em português, Em busca do tempo perdido.

Em vários volumes, é uma obra monumental (e que eu nunca tive a paciência para ler, tenho que confessar). O último volume, por coincidência, é entitulado Le Temps retrouvé, que nos leva de volta à idéia de "recuperar o tempo", mas naquele outro sentido de memória.

"The first six volumes were first translated into English by the Scotsman C. K. Scott Moncrieff between 1922 and his death in 1930 under the title Remembrance of Things Past, a phrase taken from Shakespeare's Sonnet 30; this was the first translation of the Recherche into another language. The final volume, Le Temps retrouvé, was initially published in English in the UK as Time Regained (1931), translated by Stephen Hudson (a pseudonym of Sydney Schiff), and in the US as The Past Recaptured (1932) in a translation by Frederick Blossom. Although cordial with Scott Moncrieff, Proust grudgingly remarked in a letter that Remembrance eliminated the correspondence between Temps perdu and Temps retrouvé (Painter, 352). Terence Kilmartin revised the Scott Moncrieff translation in 1981, using the new French edition of 1954. An additional revision by D.J. Enright - that is, a revision of a revision - was published by the Modern Library in 1992. It is based on the "La Pléiade" edition of the French text (1987–89), and rendered the title of the novel more literally as In Search of Lost Time."

From en.wikipedia

(Just remember that if you read all this, it may have been time lost, but it probably wasn't time wasted.)
EugenioTM 7 49
Outra forma:

Recover the lost time

We'll never recover the lost time.

Doing this will help you recover the lost time and peace of mind.
Flavia.lm 1 10 102
Catch up on (lost) time

"Now Russians are racing to catch up on lost time."

"A baby gorilla born via emergency C-section and treated for pneumonia has been reunited with her mother at the San Diego Zoo. As the video shows, the pair has been catching up on snuggle time"

"She's been catching up on lost time, trying to rebuild their relationship. "
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